Empower yourself and experience the significant influence your career can have on your life through the online career tools offered by Richard Blue at Career Online Tools. You'll be able to experience Richard's self-guided career tools that uniquely direct you on a path that is most beneficial for your circumstances, all while staying in the comfort of your own home.

If there's one message Career Online Tools would like to share with you, it's that you have the power to represent yourself in a way that most people cannot. If you'd like to unlock this power and experience its effect in your life, keep reading about these successful career tools and sign up to learn more by experiencing the simple, effective, and affordable tools for career success for yourself.

Self-Empowerment Today

The first building block to unlocking your potential through Richard's online career services is SET, or Self-Empowerment Today. This tool is free to you and always will be. After you have completed the SET tool, you learn about your relationship with self-empowerment over time. This tool offers a free self-empowerment report.

From there, you learn the fundamentals of Get Organized (GO). During this career tool, you track detailed information about yourself, which you can later use in self-expression and in your career decision making for the future.

The third tool is all about you and your goals. You learn how to set clear and specific life and career goals, and then you receive the guidance and help to track your progress and work toward your goals.

These tools are self-guided so you can go at your own pace, revisit parts you'd like to master more fully, and pick up where you left off.

Get started with our free SET tool that includes a free self-empowerment report, and continue your journey to self-empowerment and career satisfaction through our affordable online career tools. For any additional questions, feel free to reach out through the online contact form.

1 - What Do We Do?

Our tools produce organized, personal reports with clear report on how to use the information you collect. We have the first three career tools tools available for you now.

Self-Empowerment Today

FREE Report!

The tool measures your Self Empowerment Today and enables you to track your vital signs of self empowerment over time.

Get Organized

Get Organized tracks current, critical and specific information about you to use in self-expression and career decision making.


This tool enables you to write life and career goals of any duration, at any age and assists you in tracking your progress.
Each tool adds new, organized information and data specific to you. There is a sequence - SET, GO, Goal Setting. You can use the entire tool or stop anywhere. You can return, later, and start up where you left off. Your information will be maintained in your own Career Online Toolkit.

2 - How much does it cost?

How much does it cost?
True to our vision we make these tools affordable. The first tool SET is FREE and will continue to be. The GO tool costs $9.95 and the GOALS tool is $4.95 for each goal you write and track over time.
How well do we do it?
Bottom line, only you can judge the effectiveness of our online services for you. The fact that thousands of others have received great value is still them and not you. Judge for yourself. Use the SET tool. It's free and it will take you only 5 or 10 minutes. We will not ask you to register unless you decide to continue on and get additional services and establish your own Career Online Toolkit.

3 - Introducing Dick Blue

Dick Blue portrait
Richard Blue has over 40 years of experience providing career planning services and tools for individuals and human resources management and consulting for businesses.

He is the President of Life Empowerment, Inc. which has a presence on the internet as careeronlinetools.com. He has directed human resource, training, and career counseling activities for Polaroid Corporation, Tufts University, Lahey Clinic Foundation and the University of Massachusetts Medical Center and as an independent consultant, since 1978.

online career development tools
He has taught Personal Effectiveness, Goal Setting and Human Resources for over 30 years in university continuing education programs. He taught at the University of California at San Diego, the University of California at Irvine, Harvard University, Columbia University and Northeastern University, Bentley College, Simmons College and Bryant College.

He has an undergraduate degree in liberal arts from Northeastern University and a graduate degree in counseling from Tufts University.

4 - Next Step...

Use the SET tool!